Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Prevent And Rid Yourself Of Acne Starting Today

Acne could mean that you have unhealthy skin aside from causing embarrassment and lower self-esteem. Read on to learn how to treat and prevent acne and keep your skin healthy.

If you do a lot of exercise, it is important to make sure you wash your face frequently. If it's impossible to wash your face easily outside of the house, take wipes with you. This way you can remove impurities and bacteria from your face. Don't ditch the cleanser you use at home in favor of wipes.

You may want wash your face more often if you suffer from frequent breakouts. The best course of action is to wash your face first thing in the morning, and as you get ready for bed. This can make a big difference in the frequency and severity of your breakouts.

Avoid using skin care products that are not all-natural if you are having acne problems. Artificial chemicals can actually worsen breakouts by irritating the skin. The chemicals can destroy the skin's natural oils and remove the skin's protective barrier. When this happens, your skin tends to react to it by creating even more oil which in turn makes your acne outbreak even worse.

By adding exercise to your life, you can help treat, as well as reduce, your acne. Exercise increases blood circulation. This aids in the elimination of toxins from the body while also delivering oxygen and nutrients to various areas of the body. Exercise is key in the prevention and combating of acne as well as in keeping the body clean, strong and healthy. Exercise also relieves your stress, and stress is one of the leading factors in developing acne.

Rid yourself of acne on your body. Sweating is responsible for a great deal of your body acne. If you are going to exercise, take a shower immediately afterward.

An often-overlooked acne trigger is the acne medication itself. Some medicines, particularly ones with hormones in them, can exacerbate an acne problem, or even cause a new one. Request a different medication from your doctor if the one you are using is not working.

Caffeine in tea, soda and coffee can irritate your skin and cause acne. If you reduce your caffeine intake, you will notice less acne breakouts.

There's no absolutely surefire way to avoid acne, but there are ways to reduce your chances of breaking out. Make sure to keep hair products from coming in contact with your face. Most hair products that are widely available contain high concentrations of oils which can cause acne flair-ups.

One of the most effective acne fighters is probably already in your kitchen: garlic. Garlic will get rid of toxins in your system and help new skin grow. Eat garlic with dinner or on a bagel to help with acne.

Avoid scratching an itch or picking at your face because the oils and dirt from your hands will contaminate your face. When the pores get filled with dirt it will cause pimples.

Put your makeup aside, and wash with only water for a couple weeks to determine if it is the source of your acne problems. Sometimes acne can be the result of cosmetic products used in cleansing or moisturizing. Many products available in stores today contain harsh chemicals that damage as well as irritate the skin, making way for acne bacteria.

In some cases, the root of an acne problem can be the preventative medication being used. Some prescription medicines, usually those with hormones, can prompt or worsen acne. You may want to speak with your doctor about changing medications so your acne will improve.

To ward off breakouts, cleanse the face twice daily with a gentle cleanser. Use cold water to wash the residue off your skin. You also want to make certain to cleanse the skin after exercising. Avoid the temptation of trying to get rid of your acne by scrubbing your pimples. This can make them worse!

When a skin condition is bothersome, it is best to talk to a doctor. Your doctor may refer you to a dermatologist. Dermatologists are skin experts. A dermatologist may prescribe medicinal acne cream. Use the knowledge you've learned here to enhance treating and getting rid of your acne!

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